A sliding barn door is very trendy nowadays and very easy to install. People think installing a sliding barn door is very difficult because of the measurement, making tracks, molding, etc. It is much easier than your thinking.
The first thing you have to do before the installation of a sliding barn door and for this you may need the help with one-level house projects which will be ultra-fit with your total project and home, you have to take all the necessary measurements. This is also an easy task but a little bit confusing. That is why in this article, you are going to discuss how to measure for a sliding barn door? Hopefully, this article will help you a lot in case of the measurement for a sliding barn door.
How to measure for a sliding barn door
As sliding barn door is one of the most popular doors nowadays, many people want to install this door in their home. For this reason, we are giving you the measure for a sliding barn door. Here firstly you have to make sure that the space over the opening of the door which is called the header can take the weight of the barn door.
Then you have to make sure that you have enough space for when you will open the door. Well, Mainly you have to take these measures from the doorways, stairways, etc. These measurements will tell you what size of door you need for your sliding barn door in your house. The most popular door sizes are 42" x 84", 36" x 80", 32" x 80", 24" x 80",30" x 80", 36" x 84" and so on.
Anyways now we are giving you the process of how to measure for sliding barn door in three steps. These three steps are as follows:
Width of the door:
Firstly, you have to take a tape and start taking measure at the left edge of the opening to straight across the right edge. If your door has molded, you have to measure it from the edge of the outside edge. If you want to determine the actual measure of the door, you have to add five top six inches with the measure.
If you want to choose a sliding barn to install in your home, you have to take the measure of the door a little bit more than the opening of your door so that the sliding barn door can totally cover. If we want to be more clear, if you install the doorway trim, you have to add two to three inches with the actual measure. If you don’t want any doorway trim, then you don’t have to add that two to three inches with the measure.
Length of the door:
Then in the very last step, you have to take the measure of the length of your sliding barn door. Here you have to take the measure from the header to the floor for getting the actual ratio of your door. Again, if you have molded-in your door, you have to take the measure to form the edge of the top edge. Here you have to remember that the track of your door will be a little bit above the opening.
Here it would be best if you also make sure that the door will hang half to one inch above the floor or surface. Here you have to consider the space for your track of the barn door. The track takes some space here.
In case of getting accurate measurements, you have to subtract 1 inch from the length of your door. Because if you don’t subtract this one inch from the measure, it will make a scratch on your floor. So, you have to subtract only one inch from the length for avoiding scratch.
Trackway measure:
Then you have to take the measure of the track of your sliding barn door. Here you have to take the measure of how much your door will take and multiply the measure by two. This will be the original measure of the track of your sliding barn door.
If you want to determine an ideal door size for your door that you want to buy, you have to take the measure of the track of the door too. So, you have to take the importance of this measure very lightly. But you have to take it very seriously for getting the proper measure of your door. You can take more space for the track of your door for the style purpose if you want.
But if you don’t want this style, then you only need the double space of your sliding barn door for the track. Sometimes you may look at a double sliding barn door. If you want to install a double sliding barn door for your home, the track of your door will much larger than this door.
That double barn door will take you the double space for the track of this door. In that case, you need to multiply the width of your barn door by five to get the actual measurements for the track of that door.
Anyways, these are the steps of measuring for a sliding barn door, and by following this step, you can easily take measurements for your door.
Final words
Taking measures for your sliding barn door is not a very difficult task. The total installation of a sliding barn door is an easy task. You can do it yourself. You need to maintain some rules and restrictions when you are installing your barn door. To get the accurate measure of your sliding barn door, you also have to maintain some rules.
In this article, we have discussed how to measure a sliding barn door. Here we have given you some most uncomplicated rules and restrictions. If you follow those rules and restrictions when you are measuring, you will easily be able to measure for a sliding barn door. Hopefully, this article will help you a lot in your task.
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