We do not realize the importance of our commercial kitchen exhaust fan until it completely breaks down. It helps us get rid of moist air, food odors, and smoke. So, here are the most common issues that a kitchen exhaust fan generally has and require calling a professional canopy cleaning Melbourne company:
If your kitchen exhaust fan’s motor begins to make some unusual noise suddenly, it can be because the motor is working hard to make your fan run. When it reaches this stage, it’s probably the time before your motor burns out fully. So, it is best to replace the motor at this point.
If you have the owner’s manual, keep it handy during the motor removal process as it will assist you to identify the relevant parts. Turn the power supply off and remove the fan cover to access all wires. Unhook them carefully before you remove the other fasteners that keep the motor intact to the support. Reverse these steps with your new motor. Make sure that the new motor you are choosing to install is manufactured by the same company as the exhaust fan and is of the right model. Check the user manual to find out if it gives any recommendations for the same. If you think that you cannot change. For the motor yourself, you can hire professional canopy cleaning services or exhaust fan cleaning and repair companies to do the same for you.
When it comes to cleanliness, sanitization is among the most imperative aspects of commercial kitchens. It helps extend the life of an exhaust fan. Since they work as air filters too, lack of timely cleaning can leave the whole kitchen smelling bad. This will not just become inconvenient for the business owners, employees, and clients, but a major health hazard for everybody as well. If you have a high-use commercial kitchen, you should clean the exhaust fan every couple of months. If you find an unpleasant or foul odor seeping from your exhaust fan, immediately address it with complete inspection or professional cleaning.
Power Failure
If your commercial kitchen exhaust fan is not working at all whenever you turn it on, there are some causes for the same. Check if the fan has tripped your circuit breaker and if so, then turn it in place. You can also check if the fuse is blown and ensure to replace it in this case.
An exhaust fan in a commercial kitchen that rattles during its operation is probable to have defective or loose components that need to be repaired. You need to first turn off the main power supply and then check the fasteners that hold the cover. If they are secured correctly, unscrew them to remove the fan’s cover and check for loose parts. Replace or repair any elements that you think are faulty and ensure that the screws are tightened properly when you put them back.
Sometimes, the location of an exhaust fan in a commercial kitchen can make its wiring melt. The exhaust fan wires can become frayed or loose as well. In such a situation, you should immediately replace the wires. To do this, switch the power supply off and remove the fan cover by unscrewing all the fasteners that hold the cover. Check the wires visually for signs of something amiss. If they look to be fault-free and intact, use the ohmmeter that relates to the power switch. If the reading is zero, it means that the switch is defective and needs to be replaced.
Condensation is generated by exhaust systems in commercial kitchens. This can lead to problems in the commercial kitchens. To find out if your kitchen exhaust fan has excessive moisture, you need to remove the cover and recognize any sign of too much moisture. There can be some, but it is obvious to have excessive moisture. What will happen if the moisture builds up as well as infiltrates your kitchen? An unhygienic cooking space, germs, and mold growth can be the consequence of excessive moisture. To check if your exhaust fan has excessive moisture buildup, you should switch off the power and remove the fan cover. Clean the moisture if you find too much of it. These are the common exhaust fan problems generally experienced by commercial kitchen owners. IF you think you can handle this yourself, it is okay. But remember that it is always best to leave such important equipment to the experts only.
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