Shower enclosure doors have the important function of creating an entrance to the shower area. We rarely pay much attention to the type of door we are buying, along with the shower enclosure. But each door type has unique characteristics. There is nothing like having a refreshing shower at the end of a long day out at work. And having the right type of enclosure door will affect your shower experience. Like all bathroom essentials, shower doors have advanced. There are now various types available in framed to frameless enclosure doors. Regardless of which type of shower door you install, most people take them for granted and know little about their potential benefits. You may even use these doors as a standalone option where you have three sides all around the shower area. This is a simple way to convert your shower area into a stylish enclosure.
Sliding Shower Doors
These are sliding doors that work and look pretty much similar to patio doors style. These usually have two glass panels to move backward and forward whenever you want to enter the shower area. You can install them both on shower enclosures and the bathtub. If you can not install a hinged shower door due to space restrictions, this type of shower door is ideal for you.
Hinged Shower Doors
These work and look the same way any ordinary doors that we use every day in our homes. The glass doors hang on the panel and open by swing outwards. The iron pivot hinge connected to the panel makes it possible to move the door in both directions. Sometimes, if you like, you can also attach these pivot hinges to the walls or moving doors or stationary glass screens, especially for mounting on the bathtubs. These are some of the most commonly used shower doors compatible with most shower enclosures.
Pivot Shower Door
It is another type of door that is attached to pivot hinges. The only difference is that these doors open in both directions. The hinge makes it possible for swinging of door 180 degrees. That means you can open these doors in both inward and outward directions. You can either attach a hinge on one side or in the center, making it a rotating door. In case you have a big shower enclosure, then this style of shower enclosure door can be a good pick for it.
Bifold doors
If you have a small bathroom where you can not install a big shower enclosure, then bath screen shower doors will be a suitable option for you. They also know these as bi-fold shower doors. It comprises several glass panels attached that can fold on hinges. This type of shower door creates a unique look in the bathroom.
Important Considerations
Now, we know about different shower door types for shower enclosures. But you know that not every shower enclosure is compatible with all shower door types. So, you may need to look for this while buying a shower enclosure. For example, your option will vary depending on the shower enclosure's size and its quadrant, rectangular, or square shower enclosure. The right choice of shower door will surely make your shower experience pleasant and rejuvenating.
Get Shower Enclosure Doors from Royal Bathrooms UK
For choosing the shower enclosure door, you have many options, including bypass, hinged, pivot, or bath shower screen. The choice you will need depends on many factors, including enclosure type and preference. You must consider the quality of glass while looking for the doors. At Royal Bathrooms, we have an extensive range of high-quality shower doors available that you can explore on our website. Most of our shower doors come with a lifetime guarantee.
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